Fidget Spinners: What You Need to Know
You’ve probably heard about the latest toy craze: the fidget spinner. It’s everywhere, and both young and old have fallen in love with this trending toy. If you missed the memo, here’s a quick description:
What is a Fidget Spinner?
A fidget spinner is a funky-shaped plastic toy with a bearing at the center and two or three prongs that spin. Despite its simplicity, it has captured the world’s attention, and manufacturers are struggling to keep up with demand.
But what makes this toy so popular? And as a parent, what do you need to know about fidget spinners?
1. It’s Addictive
One reason for the fidget spinner’s popularity in the US and UK is its addictive nature. The sensation of spinning the toy, with its various forces undulating in your hands, is captivating. The real fun comes from trying out different stunts and tricks, engaging both young and old minds.
While it can be a distraction for children and potentially affect academics, it can also keep a child busy when needed.
2. Are There Any Health Benefits?
This is a major point of discussion, and opinions are divided.
- Sensory Stimulation: Manufacturers claim fidget spinners help children and adults with sensory processing issues, attention deficits, and anxiety. The tricks and spins provide sensory stimulation for those with specific mental issues.
- Calming Effect: They can soothe children with sensory issues, providing calming stimulation.
- Medical Skepticism: Many medical practitioners are wary of attributing health benefits to fidget spinners. They weren’t designed as medical aids and are not FDA-approved. Doctors are generally skeptical about prescribing them as medical therapy.
3. Safe to Use or Dangerous?
Safety is a concern with any toy that has fast-spinning parts. Some accidents have been linked to fidget spinners, making it important to weigh the pros and cons before buying one.
Metal Fidget Spinners
As a parent, it can be hard to overlook a toy that’s so popular. It’s even tougher if your child is the only one without it in their class. However, consider the risks and benefits before making a decision.
This article outlines the key points to help you decide whether to get a fidget spinner for your child. Review the information and let it guide your decision.
Sharing is Caring: Don’t forget to share this article with your friends. You could help someone make an informed decision.

As a parent, it could be difficult to overlook a toy half the neighborhood are going on and on about. It could get even harder if your kid is the only one without the toy in his/her class. But, you have to weigh the pros against the cons before making a decision to buy one of those toys off the shelf.
And this article has laid all bare for you to see. Go through it again and let it guide you to making a decision as to whether to get a fidget spinner for your ward or not.
Sharing is caring. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends after reading. You can help a friend by doing so.